Friday, 7 March 2014

Golden Shears Recount

On Friday 28th February the whole school went to take in the action of the Golden Shears competition, both from the grandstand and behind the scenes.

Back at school on Monday, the students were given the task of writing about the Golden Shears through the eyes of the sheep.  These fantastic stories are displayed with pride on our classroom windows and are attached below for your pleasure.
Last Friday I was happily bouncing on my sheep tramp when some man came and grabbed me and shoved me in the back of a truck with all my baatastic friends. I was wondering where we were going then I heard the other sheep talking about the Golden Shears. The first thing that came into my head was “Yay I’m going to be on TV. I' been on the Ellen show but never the Golden Shears!” When we got there my friends were frightened I was so happy until……..
I was shoved in a pen with all the other sheep, obviously they hadn’t taken a shower in the last couple of days, pehewwie. When I got out there on the stage, it was my time to shine. I was just so relaxed that my guy got the fastest time and I got all the paparazzi and I got yelled at “ Go 36 Go 36” as that was my number. After I went back in to the pen with my baaaautifal skin with not a scratch. When I got back to the pen there were all those smelly sheep that smelt really baaad. I did a little kick and victory dance then it was back to the barn for me.                              That was the best day of my life !!!
By Angel and Hannah J

Last Friday I was happily mucking around in my paddock. Then I heard this noise, I wasn’t quite sure what it was. One minute later I was being chased around the paddock by this big muscly man and that’s when I felt him grab me. He pushed me in to the truck and slammed the door closed. Then we took off somewhere. I didn’t know where until we arrived at the Golden Shears.             I started to freak out because I knew what it was because I had been there before because there is a lot of people there. That’s when I got pulled out and onto the stage. The guy started to shear off my. I felt him cut me and then send me down the shoot with blood running down the side of my face. I was glad to be back at my paddock.
I was so scared and that day was the worst day ever.

By Ash and Grace   
I was eating some grass in my paddock then I was brutally attacked and shoved in a truck with my friends and some other sheep. The next day we were in a different place then I was pulled up on a stage - someone was ready to shear me! So I tried to run but then I got cut on the eye and blood was oozing out.  There was blood all over me. Then this sharp object got pushed down my legs all over my body till I had no more wool. I was so sad then he had finished and shoved me down a hole it was so terrible so I ran to my mates and they made fun of me. It was the worst day of my life.
Caleb and Jayden
Last Friday I was eating some grass and then I got taken away and got shoved in a pen.  I was grabbed by the neck by a person and then they shore me as fast as they could.
Then they through me down a hole and I slid down a ramp and I sprint around the corner and smashed into the fence.
As I came out with blood all over my face and they shoved in a pen again and all these weird school kids from St Teresa’s School started touching me. I thought “Why are they touching me?   They have no right to touch me!”
 After they left I thought that the day was over but as I thought that, a human being grabbed me and kicked me into the truck again and when I got back I got butchered.
Henry and Keegan
I knew today was going to be different when me and my buddies were shoved into a truck. It was cramped, smelly and hot, but after a while of bumping and baaing the truck pulled to a stop and we were chased out into some weird metal field with a cover. It was nothing like the soft green grass of home.
Then we were herded into a pen, squished up with loads of other sheep. I tried to jump on someone else to get a better view, but it baaed at me in annoyance, and shouted for me to get off rudely.
I started to notice that sheep were disappearing, and never coming back into our pen. My brother vanished, and soon it was my turn! I was pulled into some kind of tiny metal tunnel. The walls lifted up, and hands grabbed me. Lights shone in my eyes, and noise deafened me. I tried to make a dive for it, but I was held back. Razors were brought to my wool, and I felt my woolly coat begin to drop off as I was tipped upside down.
To my relief, before long I was shoved back where I came from, feeling lighter I was returned to my paddock, and now munching on grass happily, recovering. That is, until next year!  
Jessie and Izzy
Last Friday I was eating my grass and then I got sheep napped and taken to the Golden Shears. I was very scared when I saw my mates bleeding so I started to have a fit and start running around.
It was my turn to go and get shorn, I stayed calm. When I got shorn I got cut on the ear and I was kicked back down a shute, into the kidnappers truck and got sent to the meat works and got sold for meat.
Sam and Luke
Last Friday I was happily munching on my sweetly grown grass in my paddock with all my sheep mates. Suddenly a huge block comes rushing towards me and a two legged food bringer came rushing out and grabbed me. I yelled “BAA!? BAAA! BAAAAA?!” The next thing I was next to a huge building I had not seen before. I jumped on other sheep to see where I was.  I was pushed in a room with only two legged food bringers. I was terrified.  One two legged food bringer grabbed me and took me to a place where there was a lot of people, he was holding me down tight. This big sharp shiny thing start to make a lot of noise, next minute it was jabbing me in the stomach. Then I looked at myself and all the wool was gone!!! I was shoved down a hole and then reunited with my sheep mates.  I leapt up with happiness… then I got shoved back in a truck. Worst day of my life but… I’m freeeeeeee!
Maaike and Jade
I just woke up hearing the rumble of a truck coming up the drive way. It stops and out comes some dude.  He pulls down the ramp and a dog chased me and my family up the ramp into the back of a truck.
We went down to the stadium where they were shearing and they shoved my friends and family into the pens. One by one we got grabbed by the neck and got pulled out on to the stage. The shearers started to shave us and we got nasty cuts all over us. My family were crying and petrified.
Rhys and Dhruv
Last Friday night I was chewing on some grass in the paddock. The next thing I know I was in a truck with at least another 100 of my bros. I was taken to a shed about to be shorn.
Then I went out to a stage thing and there where heaps of people watching me being shorn. Next thing it was over.  I went back with all the other shorn sheep and they were all bleeding and crying.  I had a massive cut on my face it was pouring out blood I did not feel that good but at least I won’t feel as hot.                Willy and Shaun     
Yesterday I was in the paddock eating juicy grass yummy J                                         
Nek minute a truck pulled up and these mean looking dogs with big teeth, were chasing us in the big smelly truck. When I got in the truck I didn’t know what would happen but then the truck started to move and like in 5 minutes, we were at the Golden Shears.
 I have heard about this competition that my friend Baa Baa Black Sheep told me about. So there I am in line getting pushed and shoved and suddenly this man grabs me and put me in between his legs. I was getting shorn. I felt so free and cool I was really happy…until my neck was dripping blood.  I could smell the blood it stung so badly like a thousand needles stabbing me in that one spot. He finished shearing me and I got shoved down a hole in the wall that led to a ramp that I ran down so happy!  Cut aside, I was jumping in the air as happy as I could ever be and I got back on the truck and l went home and I was eating sweet moist  grass J yum yum yum            Silvia and Anesha
I was sitting in the paddock when a big truck pulled up and put us all in the back.  We were taken to the Genesis recreation stadium to the Golden Shears.  We were put in some yards out the back while we waited to be shorn.  When it was my turn I thought it was a bit rude how the man cut my hair then shoved me down the shute.  I got cut on the face and I said man you should tape up my bleeding face.  In the end I had to do it myself.  Then we went back on the truck with the kiwirail man on to the tracks.  The other sheep went on the digger.  Some of them were following the big truck until we all got back to the farm.

On Friday at the farm I was sitting in the paddock and there came a motorbike came up the race the motorbike to the yards and there was a truck and a man. I did not know where I was going to. There was two choices - I was going to the factory or to get shorn at a new farm. We got to where we when going to and there were lots of people, I thought to myself . And then I saw lots of sheep there that had been shorn I thought to myself why are we here? Then I saw the  ramp so I knew now that I was getting shorn but what for? So we got a number and put it a pen for a while. Then it was my turn to go into get shorn . I saw heaps of people I was scared and then I got set it was fine because I had been there too many times before.  But then I had a bad shearer and I got cut and I was so angry with the shearer and I was bleeding badly but I got fixed and then I was I get fixed and I was happy.  By Alarna


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